Brand & Digital Elements

Illinois Block I and Wordmark Files

In 2024, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Strategic Communications and Marketing released updated Brand Guidelines, including logos, wordmarks, and colors to use in various materials. The Illinois and Unit wordmarks and Block I logo design and image files are available below for download and may not be altered in any way.

To download a wordmark or logo, simply click on the hyperlink or image and then drag the image to your desktop. If you need these logos in any other format, please contact Customer Relations & Communications at

Below are .png files; many other file types are available for download, including .eps, .pdf, and .jpg.

More information on the Illinois Brand Guideline and resources (e.g., PowerPoint templates, etc.) is available at

University Logo – Block I
University Wordmark

F&S Wordmark

The updated F&S unit wordmark, can be downloaded below. Division and departmental names should only be used as content in association with the unit wordmark. The scale of the wordmark should not be adjusted and no other variations should be created. To download a wordmark, click the hyperlink or image and drag the image to your desktop. For questions regarding proper usage of the various F&S unit wordmark or graphic design assistance, please contact Customer Relations & Communications
For a list of all downloadable F&S wordmarks, visit:

F&S Primary Wordmark
F&S Vertical Nickname Wordmark

Social Media Guidelines and Best Practices

F&S encourages all employees to use social media channels to help spread awareness of recent successes, positive impact stories, and as a way to generate a sense of community.

Employees are encouraged to share content from the F&S websiteINSIDER site, or directly from your work experiences on campus. Photos and videos help tell that story. Use the hashtag #ILLINOIS to add to the international community of students, faculty, staff, alumnus, and others who care about the U. of I.

F&S Customer Relations & Communications operates established, university-verified accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube. Click on the channel’s image on this website’s footer to visit.

Social Media Resources

University of Illinois Social Media page
See how colleges and departments on campus use social media to promote the university. Topics include Brand Guidelines, Comment Policy, and Trolling Attack Resources.

University of Illinois Social Media Best Practices page
General tips and pointers for university accounts using social media; includes tips for personal use.

University of Illinois System Social Media page
Includes links to accounts run by departments within the System.

University of Illinois Verified Accounts Directory page
See all the colleges, departments, and units with officially recognized university social media channels.

Campus Administrative Manual policy on social media account security
The Office of Public Affairs oversees this policy on security procedures.

Style Guide

Style guidelines for the Urbana campus are available at

Guidelines pertaining to the University of Illinois System are maintained by the Office of University Relations at

F&S A-Z Writing Style Guidelines


Abbott Power Plant – North Trailer
Because it is a specific location of Abbott Power Plant, please capitalize North Trailer. Abbott North Trailer may be used on subsequent references.

academic professional
Academic professional should be lowercased when referring to employees or employment on the Urbana campus. AP is acceptable on subsequent references. See also civil service.

acronyms and initialisms
Acronyms and initialisms should generally only be used in a subsequent reference. The first time a term appears in a text, it should be written out, with the acronym or initialism in parenthesis following. Example: The Executive Management Team (EMT) meets on Tuesdays. The next EMT meeting in one week from today. 

administrative unit
F&S is an administrative unit on the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus. The unit contains divisions, departments, and then working groups, teams/committees. See also unit.

approved event
When there is an official F&S or campus event, language should be included that notes the account to which to charge timeCampus events are usually charged to phase 04, and F&S events are usually charged to 065; however, certain events have their own phase numbers.  Example: This is an F&S (or campus) approved event. Employees may take up to one hour to participate with prior supervisory approval. Time should be billed to {XX-9999} phase 42 Blood Donations.

all-employee meetings
Hyphenate “all-employee” in this phrase. Capitalize when referring to the specific F&S All-Employee Meeting.

all gender bathroom
This phrase is open without a hyphen.

Do not use unless it is part of a formal name. For example, use Facilities & Services at first use and F&S on second reference. In a series, a comma is never used before an ampersand (e.g., Operations, Maintenance & Alterations).

Facility software management software used to collect, maintain, and analyze space data.

An acronym for the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers. Spell out on first reference.

ADA – Americans with Disabilities Act
A/E – Architect Engineer
AFMFA – Academic Facilities Maintenance Fee Assessment
AiM – Asset Information Management
ARC – Architectural Review Committee


Brickmason or brickmasons is one word.

BIM – Building Information Modeling
BSW – Building Service Worker


Car Pool
When referring to the Garage & Car Pool, Car Pool is two words, and both are capitalized.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Remember the s on Centers. The name can be abbreviated to CDC on second use.

Chief Procurement Office
State purchasing officers (SPOs) exercise the chief procurement officer’s (CPO) procurement authority at the agency level. The SPO is an employee of the Executive Ethics Commission and appointed by the CPO, thereby achieving independence from the agency to which he or she is assigned.

civil service
Civil Service should always be lowercased when referring to employees or employment on the Urbana campus. AP is acceptable on subsequent references. See also academic professional.

conference rooms
When referring to conference rooms, the rooms should be identified by building name, the words “conference room” and the room number. Example. The meeting is in PPSB conference room 128.

commas in a series
Use a serial comma in a series. Example: The carpenters will fix the ceilings, repair the floors, build shelving, and install new windows.

Capital Programs (CP)
One of six divisions within F&S.

Colons and lists
A vertical list should be introduced by a complete sentence followed by a colon. A colon should not be used before a list (run-in or vertical) if a sentence fragment is used as the introduction.


The Krannert Center for the Performing Arts venues include the following:

  • Colwell Playhouse
  • Foellinger Great Hall
  • Studio Theatre
  • Tryon Festival Theatre

Three quads on campus are

  • Main Quad
  • Bardeen Quad
  • South Quad

Only use the terms craftsperson or craftspeople when referring to F&S shop employees. Never use the terms craftsmen, tradesmen, tradesperson, or tradespeople.

Crafts & Trades
When referring to F&S Crafts & Trades as a specific group, capitalize the term, always use an ampersand, and use a plural verb form. When referring to the term more generally, lowercase crafts and trades and spell out “and.” Example: F&S Crafts & Trades play a significant role in keeping the campus in good order. The committee hosted a seminar on job opportunities in the crafts and trades.

CAM – Campus Administrative Manual
CAMPUS – Car Assistance Motorist Protection – a University Service
CCFD – Campus Charitable Fund Drive
CCU – Campus Construction Unit
CDB – Code and/or Capital Development Board
CERCLA – Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
CERL – Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
CFOP – Chart, Fund, Organization, and Program (a number used to make purchases from university entities)
CPO – Chief procurement office
CRC – Customer Relations & Communications
CS – Construction Superintendent
CSI – Customer Service Initiative
CSR – Customer Service Request – Made by a customer and is then turned into a work order if action will be taken
CSS – Chemical Safety Section


When writing a date, the word “on” should NOT precede the date, whether the date begins with the name of a month or day. Examples: The meeting will take place Thursday, Sept. 16The holiday break begins Dec. 21.

department/department names
The title of a department is always capitalized; the word department is not.  Example: Facilities Information Resources department

deferred maintenance (DM)
Capitalize when referring to the Deferred Maintenance Program and not the actual deferred maintenance backlog; deferred maintenance backlog and other generic uses should always be lowercase since the backlog is what the DM Program is tasked with addressing.

Direct Digital Controls (DDC)
Use DDC at second reference to the actual controls or automation systems. Example: DDC systems are found in approximately two-thirds of all campus buildings.

Division names are capitalized; the word division is not (e.g., Capital Programs division). F&S has six divisions: Capital Programs; Operations, Maintenance & Alterations; Engineering & Construction Services; Safety and Compliance; Shared Administrative Services; Utilities & Energy Services.

DDC – Digital Direct Controls
DOR – Division of Responsibility
DRS – Division of Research Safety


em dash
An em dash can be entered by typing ctrl+alt+minus sign (or hyphen). When using the American style, no spaces appear around the dash—like this. When using the British style of em dash, an en dash surrounded by spaces is used – like this. Depending on space and style needs, either the American or the British style may be used in F&S documents, but that style must then be used throughout.

en dash
En dashes (ctrl+minus sign [or hyphen]) may be used in number ranges (e.g., January 22–25). It may also be used with words when replacing the word to (e.g., Monday–Friday). The en dash is used in place of a hyphen in open compound adjectives (e.g., New York–style pizza). See also em dash.

Energy Performance Contracting (EPC)The preferred term for this type of work.  An ESCO is the company contracted to perform the energy conservation work over the duration of a contract period. Please see ESCO for how to reference specific project work.

Engineering & Construction Services (ECS)
One of six divisions within F&S. Should always be written with an ampersand, NOT the word “and.”

ESCO (Energy Service Company) Projects
The name of a specific EPC project should be capitalized but not the word “project.” Example: Vet Med ESCO project; Oak Street Chiller Plant project

ERIN is the acronym for the F&S employee intranet and stands for Employee Resources, Information and News. It should always be written in upper case letters. Since it is used commonly, its first reference should always be “ERIN.”

EAA – Energy Audit Agreement
EBS – Energy Billing System
EDW – Electronic Data Warehouse
ECIP – Energy Conservation Incentive Program
ECM – Energy Conservation Measures
EMT – Executive Management Team
EPC – Energy Performance Contact
EPCRA – Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know-Act
EPP – Employee Protection Process
ER – Employee Resources
ERIN – Employee Resources, Information, and News
ESA – Energy Services Agreement
ESCO – Energy Service Compan
ETNF – Employee Transition Notification Form


FIR – Facilities Information Resources
FMLA – Family Medical Leave Act
FOIA– Freedom of Information Act
 – Facilities & Services Advisory Committee
FAM – Facility Access Maps


Garage & Car Pool
The title should always be written with an “&” separating the terms, NOT an “and.”


Gross Square Feet should always be referred to as GSF in all caps. The term is so common it does not need to be referenced unless in a piece for a lay audience.

GIS – Geographic Information Systems


An acronym for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. The term is extremely common, even among lay people, and it does not need to be spelled out at first use.

A general rule is that temporary compounds are hyphenated before a noun, but they are left open after one. Examples: third-floor classroom, a classroom on the third floor.

For a helpful hyphenation table, which describes many situations, please refer to the Chicago Manual of Style table at

Please also check to see if a word is a permanent compound (e.g., well-being, schoolhouse, etc.) at Note: Make exceptions for proper names that break these rules (e.g., Campus Wellbeing Services).

HEPA – High Efficiency Particulate Arresting
HR – Human Resources
HVAC – Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning


An acronym for Illinois Climate Action Plan. Spell out upon first reference before using iCAP.

See acroynms.

Instructional Space Improvement Initiative
Capitalize the entire name, including initiative, even though the abbreviation is just (ISI). The ISI was a former deferred maintenance funding program supported by campus.

ICAP – Illinois Climate Action Plan
IEPA – Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
IGA – Investment Grade Audit
IGB – Institute for Genomic Biology
IGA – Investment Grade Audit
ISI – Instructional Space Improvement Initiative
IT – Information Technology


job titles
See titles.

JOC – Job Order Contracting


The abbreviation for kilowatt-hour. It does not need to be spelled out unless the piece is for a lay audience.


light emitting diode (LED)
Should not be spelled out unless needed for a technical explanation. Plural use is LEDs.

LEED – Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design


Mission, Vision, Values, and Guiding Principles (MVVGP)
This phrase must always begin with an uppercase letter when the word “F&S” precedes it, whether using just one of the four or any combination. If “F&S” does not precede words, no uppercase letter is used. Example: Leadership encourages employees to demonstrate the F&S Mission, Vision, Values, and Guiding Principles. A mission and vision are important to every unit on campus. The phrase is always written with an “and” between the last two words, NOT an ampersand.

In the E-Update and in other places where space is tight, when a month is used with a specific date, abbreviate the month for January, February, August, September, October, November, and December, but NOT for March, April, May, June, and July. Example: His birthday is Dec. 14. Her birthday is May 3.

When listing only a month and a year, the month should always be spelled out. Do not separate the year with commas. Example: January 1984 is the coldest month on record.

When a phrase refers to a month, day, and year, set off the year with commas. Example – On Thursday, October 25, 2017, Facilities & Services will conduct a blood drive.

my.FS Portal
This is the correct spelling when referring to the customer software interface for the Portal. In subsequent references, Portal should remain capitalized.

The abbreviation for megawatt. It should be spelled out at first use.

MCORE – Multimodal Corridor Enhancement Project
 – Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing
 – Maintenance, Repair, and Operation
MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheets
MVVGP – Mission, Vision, Values, and Guiding Principles


net zero
Net zero never takes a hyphen even when used as an adjective before a noun (e.g., net zero waste).

Generally spell out numbers one through nine and use numerals for 10 and above. Units of measure always use numbers (e.g., 3 inches), but years are not a unit of measure (e.g., three years). Numerals are always used with percent, and percent is spelled out unless in a table or other places where space is limited (e.g., F&S reduced emissions by 3 percent over the previous quarter).

NAFA – National Association of Fleet Administrators. F&S is NAFA accredited.


Operations, Maintenance & Operations (OMA)
A previously-named division of F&S; now considered to be the work of Building Maintenance & Grounds, and Transportation & Building Services.

OBFS – Office of Business and Financial Services
OBR – Owner’s Project Requirements
OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration


periods after bulleted items
In a series of bulleted items, no period should follow the end of each line, unless the line is a sentence.

phone numbers
Phone numbers should include the area code. Phone number segments should be separated by hyphens (e.g., 217-333-5555).

Physical Plant Service Building (PPSB)
The name of the primary F&S Building. It should not be referred to as “Services Building.” When used for internal communications, the acronym may be used on the first reference.

The Portal shall always be capitalized. In a sentence, refer to the Portal in the first occurrence as my.FS Portal. When the Portal web address must be spelled out, it is (all lowercase).

professional services consultant (PSC)
All agreements through Capital Programs use the terminology PSC upon second reference. AE (Architect/Engineer) should not be utilized.

PC – Project Coordinator
P-CARD – Purchasing Card (a charge card issued to simplify university-authorized, small dollar purchases of supplies and small equipment
PM – Preventative Maintenance
PM – Project Manager
PO – Purchase Order
PPE – Personal Protective Equipment
PPSB – Physical Plant Service Building (1501 S. Oak Street)
PSC – Professional Services Consultant
 – Preliminary Technical Audit



Recommissioning (ReCx)
When referring to the F&S team ReCx should be used. In general, apply recommissioning to the overall process or work to be done.

Retrocommissioning (RCx)
When referring to the F&S team RCx should be used. In general, apply retrocommissioning to the overall process or work to be done.

RCx – Retrocommissioning
ReCx – Recommissioning
RFP – Request for Proposal
ROPA – Return on Physical Assets
– Repair and Restoration
 – Radiation Safety Section


Safety & Compliance A division of F&S, the title should always be written with an “&” separating the terms, NOT an “and.”

Shared Administrative Services (SAS)

One of six divisions within F&S.


This term should only be used when specifically referencing the physical location of craftspersons.  All other references should be consistent with how shops and departments are described at The mill workers built new furniture for the facility. NOT: The Mill Shop built new furniture for the facility.

spaces after a period at the end of a sentence
Only one space should be used after a period at the end of a sentence.

St. Mary’s Road
The road to the south of PPSB has an apostrophe in its official name. (Note: Google Maps has this wrong.)

state purchasing officers (SPO)
See Chief Procurement Office.

Stores & Receiving 
A department of F&S, the title should always be written with an “&” separating the terms, NOT an “and.”


Subforeperson should be written as one word.

SAS – Shared Administrative Services
S&C – Safety and Compliance
SME – Subject Matter Experts
SMR – Stores, Mailing & Receiving
SO – Service Office
SOP – Standard Operating Procedure
SPO – Standing Purchase Officer
SPOC – Single Point of Contact


Tier One
The University of Illinois is a Tier One university; Tier One universities are known for world-class research and academic excellence, among other traits. The phrase has both words capped. 


Hours of the day should only be written with two number places after the colon when indicating a portion of an hour. Whole hours do not require a colon or two zeroes; a.m. or p.m. should always follow the time in lowercase letters with periods. If the time being referenced is 12:00 p.m. or 12:00 a.m., it should be written as the word “noon” or “midnight.” Examples: 8 a.m., 4:15 p.m., noon.

Note that in time ranges, either words or the en dash should be used, but never both. Examples:

May 18, between 9 and 10 a.m.
May 18, from noon to 5 p.m.
May 18, 2­–4 p.m.


Generally speaking, job titles are lowercased unless they precede a name. Example: After remarks by Director Jane Smith, Dwayne Johnson, foreperson, also gave a presentation.

executive director and division directors

Titles of directors on the Executive Management Team (EMT) will be written as follows for both internal and external communications. When the title follows the director’s name “the word “director” begins with a lower case letter. Example: Rob Roman, director of  Utilities & Energy Services, Facilities & Services. When the title precedes the director’s name, the word “director” should begin with an uppercase letter. Example: Interim Director of Safety and Compliance Jeremy Neighbors.

administrative and associate directors
The following format should be used:
Name, title, Division Name, director of [Department Name], Facilities & Services [add if necessary for external audiences]. 
Example: Jim Sims, director of Engineering & Construction Services

manager, foreperson or sub-foreperson, coordinators
The following format should be used:
Name, manager, foreperson, or subforeperson of [Department or Shop], Facilities & Services
Example: Mark Warner, plumbers foreperson, Facilities & Services.

If the title precedes the name, it should be capitalized, as above. Example: Sheet Metal Foreperson Randy Rinehart spoke to the visiting high school students.

For internal communications, Facilities & Services should NOT be written after the title.
Example: Teresa Lewis, pipefitters foreperson.

A trade is a particular skill of a craftsperson or craftspeople.  For instance, it can be used as in a skilled trade or when referencing crafts or trades.

Transportation & Building Services (TBS)
 Should always be used with an ampersand, NOT the word “and.”

T-Card – Travel Card (a charge card authorized to be used for qualified university travel expenses, business meals and/or refreshments for specific events)
TDM – Transportation Demand Management


For almost all cases, do NOT use UIUC. Only to be used in second references only after University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has been established; should be used more regularly in University of Illinois System documents where the Springfield and Chicago campuses are also referenced. UIUC should generally not supersede the use of “Illinois,” “U. of I.,” or “Urbana campus” in intra-campus communications, but can be used as another reference.

U. of I.
Shorthand for University of Illinois to be used in second references only after University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has been referenced. No punctuation. Do not use UI.

University is lowercased when not part of a phrase, such as University of Illinois, or used as the first word in a sentence. Example: The University of Illinois was founded in 1867, which means the university recently celebrated its 150th anniversary.

University District
University District is always capitalized, since it refers to a specific location on campus that includes boundaries of parts of University Avenue, Lincoln Avenue, Florida Avenue, Race Street, Windsor Avenue, and Neil Street.

University of Illinois Office of Business and Financial Services (OBFS)
Formal reference to refer to the University of Illinois Purchasing Divisions; is a division of the University of Illinois System designated to obtain commodities, equipment, and services to support the educational mission of the university.

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
The official name of the university. It is used without an at. Second references: “Illinois”, “U. of I.”, and “Urbana campus”

university purchasing
See “University of Illinois Office of Business and Financial Services.”

Campus designates F&S as an administrative unit. Divisions and departments within F&S, or subsets of such groups, should not be referred to as a unit.

If a URL ends a complete sentence, it should be followed by a period.

Utilities & Energy Services (UES)
One of the divisions within F&S.

UES – Utilities & Energy Services
UIN – University Identification Number
ULPA – Ultra-low Penetration Air
UOCPRES – University Office for Capital Programs and Real Estate Services



West Hallway
The primary Crafts & Trades area should be referred to as the “West Hallway” and not other terminology such as back hall, west hall, shops hall. West Hallway should be capitalized because it is a primary PPSB location.

WMC – Work Management Center


XMT – Expanded Management Team



zero waste
Zero waste never takes a hyphen, even if used as an adjective before a noun (e.g., zero waste plan).

F&S Email Signatures

An email signature is a tool to share our basic contact information — and more importantly, let our recipients know we are connected to and communicating on behalf of Illinois. Our templates help standardize email signatures throughout the university and better tie them to the Illinois brand.

For Illinois faculty and staff, we advise you to follow our template and suggested customizations as they are designed. Check to make sure your college, department and unit name are written correctly, for example, including “Facilities & Services” and your division (Building Maintenance & Grounds; or, Transportation & Building Services, etc.).

Download this Word Document of an email signature, which you can copy and paste into your Microsoft Outlook application.

Updated F&S PowerPoint Templates

Five versions of PowerPoint templates featuring the updated F&S wordmark are available for download below. The templates were developed for use during presentations to external audiences such as campus units, conferences, or community meetings.

Template 1
Template 2
Template 3
Template 4
Template 5

F&S Letterheads

Templates (in Microsoft Word format) for General F&S letterhead as well as division and alternate address versions are linked below. The digital templates are intended only for electronic or INTERNAL campus communications.

The Block I and text at the top and bottom of the page are set in Microsoft Word as headers and footers and will appear grayed out. After the body of the message is set, users can save the file as a .DOC or .PDF before distributing.

Digital letterhead may not be used to circumvent the Campus Administrative Manual’s requirements for printed stationery. All printed correspondence via letterhead viewed by external audiences must use the official watermarked bond available from Document Services.


Other Addresses

The following PDF files can be provided to Document Services for printing as needed. The final product will be a standard 6 1/2 x 4 1/2 folded card. The inside is blank for a hand-written note.  

Thank You Card (Option #1)
Thank You Card (Option #2)
General Purpose Card

When ordering from Document Services, please select 80# Uncoated Cover Paper and include A6 White Envelopes with your order. There is no minimum order required.

Document Services Estimate (July 2018)

10 – $31.30 or $3.05 a piece

25 – $46.05 or $1.84 a piece

50 – $48.52 or $.97 a piece

Name Badge Ordering

Four different standardized “University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign” name badge options are available for order from local businesses (two pronouns options). Please visit the ID badge standards page for the Office of Strategic Marketing & Branding. The badge templates reflect these current identity guidelines.

For the badges, in addition to style selection, you would need to supply the following information via using the specifications sheet.


*Pronouns would go between the name and title lines.

To order, please email, so that there is no question of spelling mistakes. The badges are typically paid for with a P-card.

223 S. Locust
Champaign, IL 61820
Phone: 217-351-7958
Toll-Free: 800-747-7958
Fax: 217-351-3109
Hours: 8:30-5:30, Monday-Friday