
Human Resources, Diversity & Strategy, and Payroll administers and communicates sound policies, rules, and practices that treat employees with dignity, fairness, and respect. The office also provides Payroll Services and conducts Training and Employee Development. The office also administers the F&S Team Member Recognition Programs.

The ER/HR Team works closely with the Illinois Human Resources Office, Campus Legal, and The Office for Access & Equity, as well as the office of Faculty Staff Assistance Services, all in an effort to provide you with outstanding customer service while enhancing your work experience here at F&S.

Illinois Job Applications Links

To apply to positions on the Illinois Human Resources website, visit: https://jobs.illinois.edu.

How to Apply: http://humanresources.illinois.edu/job-seekers/how-to-apply/index.html.

The University of Illinois is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer (go.illinois.edu/EEO).

As a qualifying federal contractor, the University of Illinois System uses E-Verify to verify employment eligibility. For more information, call 217-333-2137.  

Hiring Process

Academic Professionals

When filling a vacancy for an academic professional, faculty or other academic position the unit and those interested in the job (whether a current University of Illinois employee or an applicant from outside the University) must follow certain procedures. The department must complete a Hiring Request Form and receive approval from the Division Director or F&S Executive Director (depending on directives from the Executive Director): https://appserv7.admin.uillinois.edu/FormBuilderSurvey/Survey/uiuc_facilities_and_services/human_resources/position_vacancy_approval

The HR Representative will automatically receive approval from Formbuilder.

Background Checks

For the following employment categories, a criminal background check must be conducted after the selected candidate accepts a written contingent offer but prior to beginning employment:

  • Faculty
  • Specialized Faculty, including Postdoctoral Research Associates
  • Other academic titles (when paid) such as: Visiting Scholars, Medical and Veterinary Medical Residents
  • Academic Professionals
  • Civil Service
  • Extra Help
  • Academic Hourly

Former employees, including those who retired, are considered a new university employee the first time they accept employment after their separation.

Civil Service

To initiate the hiring process, a unit must receive approval from the Division Director or F&S Executive Director (depending on directives from the Executive Director). The vacancy request can be submitted by clicking on the F&S Hiring Request Form: https://appserv7.admin.uillinois.edu/FormBuilderSurvey/Survey/uiuc_facilities_and_services/human_resources/position_vacancy_approval/.

The HR Representative will automatically receive approval via Formbuilder.

Extra Help

Extra Help employees are hired to complete temporary assignments in areas that involve maintenance, professional, service, secretarial, accounting and information technology related responsibilities. Hiring of clerical positions is processed through Extra Help Services in the Staff Human Resources office. Hiring of non-clerical positions is processed directly through individual departments.

Since Extra Help employees work in temporary/as-needed assignments, there are no benefits associated with this form of employment at the University of Illinois.

An Extra Help appointment may be made by a department to any position for work the department attests to be casual or emergent in nature and the Extra Help list of Acceptable candidates is available from Staff Human Resources.

Student Hiring

New Team Member Orientation

All new employees are required to attend F&S New Team Member Orientation. 

Orientation is fundamental to a new employee’s integration into our culture and operations and lays a foundation for the new employee’s career journey with Facilities & Services.

It highlights the different aspects of the organization. Attendees learn about our mission, vision, values, guiding principles, departments and divisions, payroll and timekeeping, employee expectations, employee recognition programs, benefits, and more. A short tour takes place after the classroom portion, visiting F&S work sites like Abbott Power Plant, Garage and Carpool, and PPSB.

Sessions are held twice a month in person in Stores Conference Room 1A at 8 a.m. Information on upcoming sessions can be found on the F&S training calendar at https://go.fs.illinois.edu/Training. Questions may be addressed to Joseph Meeker, jlmeeke2@uillinois.edu, F&S training and development specialist, 217-300-6568.


In conjunction with university Payroll Services, the F&S Payroll Office handles the accurate payment of more than 1,300 full time, part-time, student, and temporary employees. Employees are paid by electronic deposit on either a bi-weekly or monthly schedule. Bi-weekly employees are paid every other Wednesday, approximately 10 days after the pay period end date. Monthly employees are paid on the 16th of the month following the service dates of the 16th through the 15th. If the 16th of the month falls on a weekend or holiday, then the pay date is the last work day prior.

Blue Time Cards

Departments should continue to use blue time cards to correct the number of hours an employee has worked if the employee’s reported work hours have already been approved in mobile timekeeping or if the employee’s time was not submitted and approved by the payroll deadline. Blue time cards also should be used to submit unpaid time such as PCU and workers compensation hours.

*Any work hours that have not been entered and approved prior to 2 p.m. on “Payroll Monday” will require a pay adjustment. As a standard practice, Payroll will not submit and approve time for employees. Employees and supervisors are responsible for ensuring work time has been entered and approved by the deadline.

Mobile Timekeeping

Employees who have access to mobile timekeeping will be required to use the Mobile Timekeeping system to report the hours they have worked. This includes all civil service, academic hourly, extra help (except clerical extra help), and student employees. The cut off for submissions and approval by Mobile Timekeeping is 10 a.m. on Payroll Mondays.